A Chiropractors Guide to Sciatica and Low Back Pain

If you have ever experienced back pain that radiates across the low back, you may have wondered if you were suffering from a condition termed sciatica. Sciatica involves a pinching of the sciatic nerve and can cause symptoms of radiating pain especially down one of the legs. Your low back pain might involve disc problems as well, and it is best to have your condition checked out with a chiropractor to determine the cause and correct treatment.

For a clear and concise explanation of the difference in some of the possible conditions leading to your low back pain, or possible sciatica, please watch and listen to Dr. Bart Hodgins of River Ridge Chiropractic in this short video and call to book an appointment. We can be reached at 828-274-6602 and look forward to hearing from you!

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Asheville , NC chiropractor. Services include Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Spinal Decompression and Supplements

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