Swimming for Back Pain Relief

If you suffer from back pain, you may want to learn about the benefits of swimming as a source of relief. Because it is a low-impact exercise that does not directly stress, twist, or add rough contact to your back, it is actually quite good for you. Swimming can actually strengthen your back while limiting pressure or further pain.

Here are three recommendations for swimming strokes to help with back pain.

Front Crawl- The front crawl is excellent for back pain when it is performed correctly. Your body should lie flat in the water, and there should be no drag from your lower body. Avoid jerky movements, and keep your strokes smooth. If turning your head is painful, you might want to consider using a snorkel or breathing device.

Breaststroke- The breaststroke is beneficial, particularly if you widen the width of your stroke. If you are using proper form, the breaststroke can be one of the best exercises for lower back pain. With a wide stroke, you help strengthen back muscles while the water serves as a sort of cushion that supports your body.

Sidestroke- According to Livestrong.com, the sidestroke is one of the best exercises because it is relatively easy and does not require excessive leg or arm movement. They recommend varying the stroke, as well as turning from side to side to prevent overuse of muscles.

With all swimming exercises, be careful not to hyperextend the muscles in your lower back. Do not jerk your head or neck while swimming. Likewise, do not over-rotate your head while taking breaths. Before starting any exercise regimen, make sure to get approval from your doctor.

With proper technique, swimming can be an excellent way to exercise the muscles in your back.

There are a number of indoor pools in Asheville. Check out this search for locations.

Dr Bart

Dr. Bart Hodgins grew up in rural Alberta, Canada. He graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon in 1997. He enjoys an active lifestyle with his wife and two sons. His enthusiasm for life is contagious. Since beginning his practice in 1998, Bart has developed a comprehensive approach to health care that supports the patient on multiple levels. In treating a person holistically and combining chiropractic, spinal decompression, acupuncture, herbal therapy, orthotics, exercise, diet, and orthopedic supports, Dr. Hodgins often can find faster and more lasting approaches to both common and more concerning health issues.

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